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From the June 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Man has a glorious inheritance. How much we appreciate this gift depends upon the knowledge we have of our spiritual birthright. A student of Christian Science learned a little of this birthright through the following experience.

She became very ill one day and tried to analyze the reason for such discomfort, knowing it to be entirely mental. She thought of the things which she had said and done that day to warrant such a condition. According to her reasoning she found that many unlovely thoughts had been entertained, and while she was thus making a reality of evil by giving it power and presence, her condition became worse. In desperation she cried out to God for enlightenment, and then listened for the "still small voice." Included in the LessonSermon for that week was a statement which our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, makes on page 571 of her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures": "Know thyself, and God will supply the wisdom and the occasion for a victory over evil." These encouraging words kept coming to her consciousness.

"But that is what I am trying to do," she said to herself, "know myself, and instead of getting better, I am getting worse." Then, as if to clarify the statement quoted from Science and Health, came the distinct words, "Know yourself as God knows you." Immediately an inflowing of spiritual, constructive thoughts followed, and she became aware to a gratifying degree of her at-one-ment with God. She realized that since God is the all-knowing Mind and man is God's image and likeness, her true selfhood knew only what God knows about His perfect creation. She knew that evil or sick thoughts were never created by God, good, and that if her human actions or thoughts had not been inspired by divine Principle, they were without foundation, power, or place, were no part of her spiritual being, and could have no influence on her. She saw that in reality she reflected Life's divine qualities and expressed them in purity, wholesomeness, perfection, and love.

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