At certain seasons of the year, from the Readers' desks in many Christian Science churches comes a cheering and important notice. It is the announcement that applications for church membership are receivable, and that all who wish to unite with The Mother Church or one of its branches are lovingly invited to make known their desires to the proper officers. While the Christian Scientist does not proselyte in the ordinarily accepted meaning of the term, he is, nevertheless, eager and happy to discuss with those becoming interested in Science the privilege of church membership and the advantages and blessings accruing therefrom.
As a rule, one emigrating from a foreign land and taking up his abode in a new country, establishing home and business therein, naturally concludes that the land of adoption is his land, its government is his government, and that he should become a supporter thereof and eventually a citizen. Similarly, when one comes from the far country of an unsatisfying sense of religion, from ignorance of God with its attendant ills, heartaches, and problems, and finds in the teachings of Christian Science release from ill-health and from unlovely habits of thought; when he feels he has at last found that home, that spiritual dwelling place, for which he has sought all his life, is it not reasonable to assume that he should incline toward the thought of uniting with and supporting the great healing organization known as the Church of Christ, Scientist?
Without doubt this is the voiced or unvoiced desire in the hearts of many honest newcomers to Science; but what frequently is the deterring thought with the would-be applicant? Why does he hesitate to ask for church membership? Many times the forward step is not taken because the tempter—mortal mind—whispers, "You aren't good enough!" Right here let us consider the purpose of the Christian Science church, or any other Christian church for that matter. Is it not to save sinners, to uplift the race?