Christian Science was introduced to me by a friend, to whom I shall ever be grateful. I did not take up its study for myself, but for my daughter. From the time she was born until she was eight years old she was constantly under medical care. Through diligent study of the Bible and Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, she was healed, and she has never had a drop of medicine since. She has now grown to womanhood, and is an earnest student of Science.
I, too, have had many demonstrations of healing, but one that is most outstanding to me is the healing of sorrow and separation. Several years ago my husband, who was very close to me, passed on. At the time of his passing a clearer realization of Life unfolded to me, thus breaking all sense of grief. My daughter and my son-in-law were with me at the time of his passing, and we were able to rejoice by singing our Leader's beautiful hymns. Words cannot express the comfort received from these inspiring hymns. I saw that none of the qualities of good that my husband expressed could die, for kindness, love, and happiness are expressions of God, and can never be taken from me. This demonstration proved to me that no matter what the mortal law seems to be, if one holds consistently to the right idea of God and man's relationship to Him, one comes out rejoicing. I am very grateful for the faithful practitioner who helped me at this time.
I was susceptible to severe colds and had nasal catarrh in the worst form. No specific work was taken up for this condition, but it dissolved into nothingness as my thinking became purer. Our Leader tells us on page 480 in Science and Health, "As vapor melts before the sun, so evil would vanish before the reality of good." Healing of a stubborn and self-righteous disposition has also been great blessing.