When I first began to study Christian Science I was suffering from indigestion of many years' standing. Indeed, I had given up all hope of ever regaining my health, and had come to consider myself an old man. I mention this because I have since found that the argument of permanent incapacity is one of the ways in which mortal mind tries to enslave us.
When a friend told us that he had been healed of an ailment very similar to my own through the study of Christian Science, we obtained a copy of the textbook and began to study. It was a great surprise to find that much of Mrs. Eddy's teaching in Science and Health was just what I had long been seeking, and I had no difficulty in accepting Science wholeheartedly.
Its teaching in regard to prayer bore out with affirmative truth my negative but logical reasoning that if God is omniscient. He must know my needs; if He is omnipotent, He can supply them; and if He is a God of love, He will do so without my asking. Mrs. Eddy, I found, very logically states the positive fact that man as God's idea is here and now spiritual and perfect, related to God alone and not to any material beliefs about God and man which would present man as being in need. I saw that God is indeed all-knowing, and that since He is divine Love, the statement on page 494 of Science and Health, "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need," was a fact which could be proved. This view entirely changed my whole outlook on life.