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Testimonies of Healing

"Christian Science brings to the body...

From the March 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Christian Science brings to the body the sunlight of Truth, which invigorates and purifies." Some years ago it was my privilege to prove the truth of these lines from page 162of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy.

One day I was suddenly and without warning attacked by a difficulty which resulted in complete unconsciousness for many hours. My husband, fearing I had passed on, called a doctor, chiefly from a sense of protection, as a Christian Science practitioner had already been called. The doctor diagnosed the case as very serious, but knowing I was a Christian Scientist, said she would not prescribe anything for me unless I requested her to. This request was, of course, never made. After visiting me twice a day for a week, she gently pointed out that she had given Christian Science a chance, but unless something was done, and quickly, she could not be held responsible for the case. I asked her to give me a little longer, and my husband immediately rang up the practitioner and told her of our stand for Truth. The next evening when the blood pressure test was made, the doctor said, "Thank God, it has gone up to 100."

I continued to make slow progress after this, but at the end of six weeks the doctor asked my husband to consent to my going into a hospital for sun-ray treatment. This I firmly refused to do, saying that I would have the real sun-ray treatment, the penetrating rays of Truth. I was still too weak to even hold a book, so I asked a friend to look up, with the aid of the Concordance, all the references in Science and Health to sun, light, rays, sunlight, and other words relating to the penetrating and energizing power of Truth.

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