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Testimonies of Healing

On page 162 of the Christian Science...

From the March 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

On page 162 of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health, our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, has written, "The effect of this Science is to stir the human mind to a change of base, on which it may yield to the harmony of the divine Mind." I am grateful for every testimony of healing and am particularly interested in those that show the "change of base" which brought about the restoration of harmony in each case. I am grateful to know that nothing is destroyed when a healing takes place, but the human mind has merely yielded in one more instance "to the harmony of the divine Mind," and we have come into a little clearer concept of real health and happiness.

When I was quite a child, my mother took up the earnest study of Christian Science and was healed of semi-invalidism. I therefore had the benefit of right thinking and divine guidance during the formative years and experienced the protection and help brought about by a knowledge of Love's constant presence and power.

An instance of harmony restored through a "change of base" came about when I was discharged from a position through a misunderstanding. I felt disgraced and was completely discouraged. The loving help of a practitioner was given, and I was told to study what Mrs. Eddy says about pride. With the aid of the Concordances I found to my amazement that Mrs. Eddy does not condone pride. She couples it with such things as self, sin, ignorance, and lusts of the flesh, and shows clearly that it is to be struggled with and eliminated. The next morning I rose so cleansed that it occurred to me to telephone my employer and ask permission to return to my work long enough to put it in shape for a successor. This I did in all humility and sincerity, and it seemed perfectly natural for this privilege to be granted with no show of the anger that had motivated my dismissal the day before. I continued to work at that place until a much more desirable position opened up.

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