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Testimonies of Healing

"Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable...

From the March 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift" (II Cor. 9:15). I joyfully join Paul in repeating this to express my gratitude for Christian Science. This Science came to me through the need for healing of another member of my family, but upon hearing the explanation which the practitioner gave of the law of God in operation, I knew immediately that this was the truth for which I had longed, though not being conscious of a need. Many changes had to be made in my thinking and living and many lessons learned. I am grateful for all the footsteps of Truth that have been taken.

My family have experienced many proofs of divine Love's presence in the healing of physical difficulties and erroneous thinking. One member was healed of cancer in the last stages, another of chronic appendicitis, lumbago, bronchitis, and colds. The children have been protected from many so-called contagious diseases and have overcome others that presented themselves, such as croup, measles, mumps, chicken pox, pneumonia, and a broken arm. I have had healings of migraine headaches, which I had regularly, the smoking and drinking habits, ptomaine poisoning, sprained ankle, influenza, and the need for glasses. I had worn glasses for twenty years and had been told that my eyes would never be better, but would gradually get worse. A year after studying Science I found that my vision was normal and rejoiced to throw away this material aid.

What a joy it has been to prove God's law of harmony and perfection each time the human mind has tried to assert itself and claim to have power. I am grateful also for the growth that results from holding to Truth and knowing that the answer to every problem already exists in Mind, all-intelligence, which is conscious only of good.

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