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From the April 1950 issue of The Christian Science Journal

How many times mortals slip into a sense of self-limitation in their thinking about good! How many times they say of affluence, of success, of rich and varied friendships, of happiness, of beauty, of health, or of usefulness, "That's not for me." Indeed, some forms of organization of human society sometimes appear to encourage resignation to poverty, limitation, and a narrow, empty existence as being one's natural lot in life.

Like God, Christian Science is no respecter of persons, and it emphasizes the fact that the only man is the son of God, whose goodness is abundant, affluent, and unlimited, and that this truth is a law of release, a spiritual writ of habeas corpus, establishing freedom from unjust imprisonment, which mortal mind would impose upon one. "God is for me," the Psalmist sang (56:9), and the student of Christian Science declares, "All good is for man."

One of the best ways to become familiar with the meaning of any word is to learn and familiarize oneself with its synonyms. An understanding of God is vitally essential to one's welfare and happiness. Because the word God, the name of the creator and Supreme Ruler of the universe, has been either dimly understood or much misunderstood, it is of particular importance that one acquaint himself as fully as possible with the synonyms for God as given in the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." On page 465 Mary Baker Eddy makes this thought-challenging statement: "God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love." These are the synonyms for God which reveal His nature, although there are, of course, many other terms.

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