The incorporeal and divine nature of God as ever-present Love has been revealed to the world through God's two witnesses, Christ Jesus, the exemplar of Love, and Christian Science, the law of Love, discovered in 1866 by Mary Baker Eddy.
Christian Science, which is the complete and final revelation of the truth Jesus demonstrated, teaches that infinite Love, Mind, or Spirit, is one, the one perfect and eternal Principle or cause of all real being, the one universal Father and Mother of man. This Science teaches that man, Mind's compound idea, is the image, or expression, of indivisible Love. Being the reflection of Deity, man expresses both the manhood and the womanhood of God. Individual man is the individualized idea of the infinite One, or divine Whole. The real man, then, is not a corporeal being; he is the spiritual, undivided male and female of Love's creating, as revealed in the scientific record of creation in the first chapter of Genesis.
It is only in the untrue record of creation, beginning in the second chapter of Genesis, that there is presented, in contradistinction, the Adam-dream of material life and gender —the belief that life and intelligence are in matter, separate from God. Jesus, who possessed a scientific and divine sense of being, detected and overcame all the false claims of this material belief of creation.