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From the November 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mary Baker Eddy has given to the world the complete and final revelation of man in his true being, as the son of God. In her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," which is based solely upon the Bible, man is revealed as the image and likeness of God, wholly spiritual, forever perfect, sustained and eternally governed by Him. She sets forth the great spiritual and scientific fact that God, good, is the one infinite Mind or divine intelligence of man. With great clarity of thought she elucidates and illustrates how this divine intelligence, when spiritually understood, may be demonstrated as ours and utilized to prove the unreality of evil and disease in all their forms.

Mrs. Eddy also shows us that it is so-called mortal mind, which has its basis in false knowledge, that originates and supports all the erroneous and discordant conditions of human existence. She unveils evil and disease as devoid of power and completely divests them of any right to a place in our experience. In a concise command she states (ibid., p. 447), "Expose and denounce the claims of evil and disease in all their forms, but realize no reality in them."

Sometimes a Christian Scientist unwittingly accepts some thought of evil or disease. He involuntarily invests it with power by giving reality to the effect he may expect from it. If he has been mesmerized into believing that he is less than a child of God, his remedy lies in knowing what constitutes his real selfhood as the man of God's creating.

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