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Psalm of salvation

From the November 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

O god Thou art my Father:
Thy glory is ever before me.
I am compassed about with Thy songs of deliverance;
My goings are blessed with Thy psalms of salvation.
Let me sing endless praises to Thee,
For I will extol Thee forevermore.

Yea, in the time of trouble Thou art ever with me;
In the stormy and dark day Thy light shineth on my way.
Thy love is stronger than the beam of him that hateth,
And Thy gentle loving-kindnesses are mighty to deliver.

O Father, teach me Thy way of joy
And show me Thy saving peace.
Lead me in righteous ways of quietness and confidence
And let Thy goodness be ever apparent to me.
For in Thy name do I delight alway,
And I long to do Thy will and follow Thee.

I will sing Thy songs of deliverance;
Yea, I will sound Thy joy on harps of the soul;
For I know that Thou art my Redeemer,
And Thy salvation is forevermore.

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