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My Prayer

From the November 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Gently it came—the first soft glow of dawn—
And then the fringe of dark was lifted.
Within the stillness of that early hour
My thought was stirred;
I heard again the words the Master spoke:
"He that hath seen me hath seen the Father."
What was the meaning of those thought-provoking words?
It could not be the mortal self of which he spoke.
I prayed to know.

Then Love's sweet answering came;
It seemed like some low prelude to a symphony,
Rising so crystalline and clear,
So filled with lyric beauty
That it wrapped my heart in peace
And holy calm.
I thought of all the sick that he had healed,
The broken lives made sweet and whole again;
A stormy sea made still;
The hungry fed.
Surely no mortal man could do these mighty deeds.

And then I knew:
So pure his life, so selfless every thought;
So stainless was the path he daily trod
That little children could look up
And see expressed the tenderness of God.

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