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From the November 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Confronted on the one hand by the Red Sea, on the other by the Egyptian chariots and horsemen in close pursuit, and with his own followers on the verge of panic, Moses made this remarkable declaration (Ex. 14:13): "Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day." The first step in a Christian Science treatment is to allay the patient's fears, and to do so by establishing in consciousness the fact that God's salvation is available under all circumstances. The Hebrew leader proved this when he brought his followers safely through their struggles in the wilderness, and the understanding gained through experience and demonstration enabled him to proclaim with profound assurance in his final message to the congregation of Israel (Deut. 33:27), "The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms."

The everlasting arms, typifying spiritual power, not only save from Egyptian servitude, but from bondage to every human ill. As we gain the understanding of the unreality of matter and the allness of Spirit, obstacles dissolve into nothingness, as did those that beset the wandering Israelites. Moses' example has been an inspiration to great numbers in overcoming fear. From a material standpoint the Israelites' situation at the Red Sea seemed unsolvable, but the solution was to be found beyond the evidence of the material senses. They were in the presence and under the guidance of omnipotence, a power mightier than the hosts of Egypt and all material barriers.

Clear insight into the spiritual realm and the divine laws, which guide and protect, gives the power and the inspiration to triumph over fear. Truth revealed in the light of Christian Science enables us to see with clarity how to dispel the illusions of the material senses, to remove all obstacles to progress and well-being, and to find safety in times of peril.

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