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Testimonies of Healing

It is more than twenty-five years since I...

From the December 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is more than twenty-five years since I heard of Christian Science. At first I was reluctant to accept its teachings. I was a healthy young woman and saw no reason at that time to change my religious views. However, my mother had begun the study of this Science, and through her I grew interested in it and eventually became an earnest student.

How grateful I am now that my early-resistance to this wonderful truth gradually melted away, for as I look back over the intervening years I realize what joy and happiness the application of it has brought into our home. My husband and I brought up our three daughters to love and use Christian Science as we did.

We have had many physical healings during this time—too many to relate. The more outstanding ones were healings of an abscess in the ear, an ugly growth on a child's finger, a badly poisoned leg that followed an insect bite, an internal abscess, inflammation of the gall bladder, influenza, and effects of boiling water spilled on bare feet, the last healing being an instantaneous one. All these healings came about solely through the application of the truths of Christian Science, sometimes by ourselves and sometimes with the aid of a practitioner.

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