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From the February 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The leading characteristic of the man Moses, the great seer, was the longing to deliver the oppressed. Again and again it was manifested before his life task was given him.

As a young man living in luxury at Pharaoh's court Moses delivered one of his fellow countryman when he saw him being struck by an Egyptian. The very next day he came upon two Hebrews striving together and tried to separate them, asking the offender why he smote his fellow. The man was very angry and demanded to know who made Moses a judge over them. Then it became known that Moses had slain the Egyptian, and he had to flee for his life. He found refuge in Midian. Here another opportunity to help the oppressed presented itself. As he sat by a well seven women came along to water their flock, but certain shepherds came and drove them away. Then, true to his instinct to help and to deliver, Moses stood up and defended the women and watered their flock for them. As a reward, Jethro, the father of the maidens, entertained Moses and gave him one of his daughters to wife. Then there followed long years of humble work, for he kept the flock of his father-in-law, the priest of Midian.

From the human standpoint, watching the sheep would seem to have been a period of humdrum routine; but to Moses it was evidently just the opposite. He must have spent those years drawing near to God, gaining an understanding of the things of Spirit. How deep his meditation must have been, how high his thoughts must have soared, for they brought him finally to the mount of God—to Horeb—where was revealed to him God's great name, the I AM.

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