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From the February 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The fifth commandment states, "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee" (Ex. 20:12). Honoring one's human parents is childhood's first step in preparing to honor God. In the Bible, loyalty and obedience toward one's parents are strongly enjoined. Doubtless it was early realized that the virtues of respect, honor, obedience, and teachableness in children were prerequisite for family harmony.

When children respect and honor their fathers and mothers, parents who are sincere students of Christian Science can impart to them the gentle precepts and strengthening influence of wholesome religious teaching which will enrich their lives with a demonstrable spiritual understanding of God. If the work is well done, it will promote the control of selfishness. It will instill in the child's consciousness his first sense of law and discipline. It will awaken a deep appreciation of the parental wisdom and devotion that nurtured childhood's formative years. It will move the heart of youth to be mindful of one's human parents and will call forth acts of loving-kindness to reciprocate for a father's protecting care and a mother's tender love. Moreover, it should eventually lead to that higher expression of honor which rises on wings of faith and understanding to reverence God, the divine Father-Mother of the universe.

There is implied in the commandment the condition that fathers and mothers be worthy of honor. Generally, their years of patient labor, sacrifice, and affection rightly merit childhood's gratitude. Impelled by wisdom, parental influence may refine and elevate youthful character by fostering the love of right and truth. The parental example of right conduct at all times, based upon an understanding of God's laws, wins the respect of youth.

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