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From the February 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christ Jesus taught many valuable lessons by the forceful and intelligent use of parables. His pure spirituality, together with his great love for mankind, manifested in a deep longing to heal, redeem, and make clear the way of a complete salvation for all throughout all time, motivated his mighty mission. Jesus, the master Christian and Metaphysician, pointed the way for all to follow, in order that the healing, saving, and redeeming power of the Christ, the illimitable godliness which animated and dominated his being, might be made practical and fruitful in the experience of every individual.

We find recorded in the twenty-fifth chapter of Matthew the parable of the talents. Jesus relates in this story that a man entrusted to his servants the care and use of certain amounts of money while he was away on a journey. Upon his return he called each servant to render an account of his stewardship, expecting to receive a reasonable profit from the wise management of the funds and the intelligent activity of the servant, whom he trusted.

Two of the servants were faithful, unafraid, and active. Both of them recognized the value of what had been given them and wisely utilized it. The other servant, being afraid and apparently indigent, slothful, as well as negligent, failed to appreciate the worth of his talent and did not recognize the opportunity to use it successfully. He hid his one talent in the ground and gained nothing but the rebuke of his master; whereas the just and faithful servants were commended and amply rewarded.

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