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Testimonies of Healing

I can never be too grateful for having...

From the May 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I can never be too grateful for having been taught Christian Science by my mother when I was a child. In the place where we then lived there was no Christian Science church or Sunday School, but there was divine Love, tenderly imparting its lessons to its little ones.

When I grew older and went to school I lost my interest in Christian Science, but during the Japanese occupation of Indonesia I experienced an instance of God's protection which awakened me to return to my childhood religion. The symptoms of malaria vanished into nothingness through the consecrated work of my mother in realizing the truth for me.

As I began again the study of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, I had the feeling of returning to a familiar country. The seed sown in childhood days began to bear fruit, and I was able to demonstrate the practical rules in the Bible and Science and Health. I was healed of blood poisoning in one of my feet, of intestinal parasites, and of other physical ailments. I experienced wonderful protection during and after World War II and was able to overcome the aftereffects of gas suffocation, caused by a leaking gas heater.

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