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Testimonies of Healing

It is a great privilege to express my gratitude...

From the May 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is a great privilege to express my gratitude for Christian Science and for what it has done for me. It has healed me of many disorders and corrected many false conceptions.

I was brought up in a good Christian home, where hymn singing and Bible reading were a daily practice. Early in life I joined an orthodox church because I had a deep desire to follow the master Christian, Christ Jesus, in helping and healing mankind. I was ordained for the ministry in 1924 by a bishop of my church and served as pastor for years to the best of my ability and with all the spiritual light I had. However, a great conflict went on within me, because the healing work of my church was not according to that of primitive Christianity, as it was taught and practiced by Jesus and his followers.

In my search for a church that practiced healing I was led to join many groups of Christian workers, all of which failed to meet the standard of healing taught by the Bible. Having been falsely warned about Christian Science, I did not investigate even the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. But the time came when I was ill and discouraged, and dark forebodings of the future filled my thoughts. Seeing that the religion I had fostered did not meet even my own need, I was led to read the textbook of Christian Science. After reading the chapter on Prayer I laid aside a truss that I was wearing because of a double hernia and went to work without it. I have never needed it in the twelve years since then. My health was restored, and my fears of the future gave way to confidence.

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