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Testimonies of Healing

It is with a deep sense of love and gratitude...

From the May 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a deep sense of love and gratitude for growth in grace and for innumerable proofs of the constant care and protection that God gives His beloved children that I submit this testimony.

As a very small child I was constantly ill and under a doctor's care. During the first five years of my schooling I was never able to attend school for more than a few months of any year. I suffered from a leaky heart, a mastoid condition, chronic bronchitis, and constant colds. Also I was extremely underweight.

After spending a great deal of money for doctors, medicine, and a tonsillectomy, all of which failed to restore my health, my parents were led to ask for Christian Science treatment for me. Every material remedy was discarded, and my parents took up the study of this Science. After just fourteen treatments given me by a practitioner every trace of the discordant conditions disappeared, and the healing has been permanent. Christian Science has been our only physician since that time.

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