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From the June 1956 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The peace and welfare of the world depend largely on the degree of understanding and integrity, or spiritual righteousness, which the nations of the world bring to bear on their relationships with each other. Mary Baker Eddy tells us that the people's idea of God has much to do with the health and progress of the world. Referring to the true concept of God as Spirit, as Life, Truth, and Love, she writes (The People's Idea of God, pp. 2, 3), "This more perfect idea, held constantly before the people's mind, must have a benign and elevating influence upon the character of nations as well as individuals, and will lift man ultimately to the understanding that our ideals form our characters, that as a man 'thinketh in his heart, so is he.'"

It is evident from this statement that Christian Scientists have a great work to perform in bringing to the world the true concept of God and of His perfect government, which has been revealed to them by Mrs. Eddy. Through their individual demonstration of the spiritual integrity of true manhood and through sharing the truths of Christian Science with all men by every means available to them, Scientists are helping the nations of the world to demonstrate spiritual integrity, or righteousness, in their governments and relationships with each other.

Throughout much of the history of mankind the loyal citizens of many a nation have risen to defend their homes, their families, and their territory against an enemy. Such action is regarded as a natural responsibility and privilege of those who constitute a nation. Today a greater danger than the loss of property and human life threatens mankind. The world conflict in which the nations are engaged is not being fought with military weapons but with ideas. The spirit of anti-Christ, of godless despotism, is threatening mankind with the loss of individual freedom of thought and action. This threat is not limited to the so-called dictatorships, but is present even in the democratic nations in the tendency to restrict the social, civil, or religious rights of the individual.

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