In the early history of the United States of America an unusual and interesting character appeared. He was among those hardy pioneers who went beyond the cultivated areas of the new country and pressed into the unsettled regions farther west. His chief interest, however, was unlike that of most of the other pioneers. He was not greatly concerned with making new discoveries, or in taking wealth from the land, or even in building a home for himself in the wilderness.
This man carried with him a quantity of apple seeds, which he obtained from cider mills, and wherever he saw a promising location along the watercourses and wilderness trails, he planted seeds which would later bring forth fruit for the pioneer settlers. The name by which he became known was Johnny Appleseed, and as a result of his work thousands of apple trees sprang up throughout the land.
A worker on a Christian Science literature distribution committee is, in his way, something of a Johnny Appleseed. He joins the busy throngs of mankind, but with a purpose apart from theirs. He leaves Christian Science periodicals, filled with seeds of Truth, which will bring forth fruits of health and happiness.