Some years ago I became aware of an internal growth which caused extreme fear on my part. I had been a student of Christian Science for a short time; so I consulted a practitioner. I shall never forget the peace which came to me as she said, "Be not afraid." Many helpful truths were voiced that day and in subsequent treatments, but the condition did not yield.
Outwardly there was not much change in my appearance, but I experienced distressing symptoms. Although I was able to carry on my duties as both housewife and teacher, as well as my church activities, specific, prayerful work was required and lovingly given.
The difficulty persisted over a period of time and called for consecrated work and devoted study of Mrs. Eddy's writings. I remember particularly a testimony which appeared in the Sentinel, telling of a similar difficulty in which the testifier admitted that surgery had occurred to her, and it had occurred to me also. Like the other testifier, I dismissed this aggressive mental suggestion, for I knew that an operation would bring me no closer to the kingdom of heaven.