The beginner in Christian Science sometimes thinks of this Science simply as a panacea, which when brought to bear upon a discordant condition in human experience changes that condition to one of ease in his body and satisfaction in his affairs. That Christian Science does heal all manner of human ills has been proved many times; but the exchange of disease in matter for ease in matter is not the primary object nor the modus operandi of Christian Science treatment. It is true that the replacement of disease with health is a consummation to be desired; yet often the human effort to effect such a change may be the cause of delay in healing.
After stating that mortals cannot gain the understanding of Christian Science without striving for it, Mary Baker Eddy adds (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 323), "This strife consists in the endeavor to forsake error of every kind and to possess no other consciousness but good." In some instances it may be that the student has not quite understood these words and has unwittingly concentrated his attention on the discordant condition as if it were something having actual existence— something that could offer resistance to God's will.
"To possess no other consciousness but good" usually involves considerable mental house cleaning. The desire to be freed from some distressing physical condition is legitimate. But if the eagerness for physical healing just for its own sake so blinds the supplicant that he fails to see the need for eliminating some pet sins or for eschewing certain present-day forms of idol worship, the healing is liable to be delayed.