For many years Christian Science has been my only physician. Unlike the experiences of many, my first interest in it did not develop from a physical healing. I was just out of college, and I was searching for something outside of myself that would give me stability and confidence as to my future. Christian Science was presented to me by friends, and almost at once I found in it answers to questions that had been in my thought. I had been brought up in an orthodox Protestant church, had attended its Sunday School regularly, and had been very active in the Young Men's Christian Association work in college, but I was far from satisfied with my concept of God. I had been taught that He is a God of love and that He is all-powerful, but I could not reconcile this teaching with the evidences, which seemed so prevalent, of a discordant universe. How could an omnipotent God of love permit death with its grief, disease with its pain, or sin with its unhappiness?
In Christian Science I found the same fundamental teachings, but I also found that the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, had carried them to their logical conclusion: that God is Love, that He is actually omnipotent, that He is the only creator, and that He neither created nor permitted discord of any name or nature. I learned to base all of my reasoning upon the premise that God's creation is good and that anything unlike God or good is an error of belief, without reality or existence.
I could see that the material senses which testified to the presence of sin, disease, and death were not to be relied upon for such testimony any more than for their testimony that the rails of a railroad track meet in the distance or that the earth is flat. At last I had found that God's universe is spiritual and harmonious and that I could make my own life stable and harmonious in proportion to my denial of reality to the testimony of the material senses and my acceptance and positive affirmation of the reality testified to by spiritual sense.