Over twenty years ago I was greatly impressed by seeing a small boy quickly and completely healed of pneumonia through Christian Science treatment. At the first opportunity I bought the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, and read it very earnestly. Though I found it difficult to understand, I was so firmly convinced of its superior healing power that I soon discontinued my training as a medical nurse, and I trained for teaching instead. The thought of God as infinite Mind was of great help to me when taking examinations.
During the first years of my study of Christian Science I was healed of severe chilblains, influenza, and a slight sunstroke. My sister was raised from semi-invalidism to health, and she now holds a responsible position in the Civil Service. I accepted these healings happily and gratefully, and I joined a branch church and The Mother Church, but I did very little deep thinking.
When one who was very dear to me passed on, I was forced to study with much greater consecration. After some months of desolation I had a beautiful healing of grief and saw very clearly the impossibility of separation from good for any of God's ideas. Soon afterwards I had the great privilege of class instruction. Another blessing was a marked improvement in my sight, which had been defective since childhood.