At this time I should like to express my gratitude to God for the Holy Bible and for Christ Jesus, the Way-shower, of whom God said (Matt. 3:17), "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." Christian Science, the divine Comforter promised by Jesus, was given to mankind through Mary Baker Eddy, the humble servant of God. For this discovery I am indeed thankful.
At the birth of our second child I became completely paralyzed on my left side from the end of my toes to my waist. Never for one moment did I doubt that God, divine Love, would care for His children or that I would eventually gain my freedom. I earnestly endeavored to bring "into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (II Cor. 10:5).
Each effort that I made, together with the help of a practitioner, brought many beautiful spiritual unfoldments, and each unfoldment brought greater freedom to my body. My complete freedom soon followed, and I was able to assume my regular duties with much gratitude to God and to His Christ for the patience, persistence, and love for the truth which I gained at this time.