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From the January 1962 issue of The Christian Science Journal

OF all the discoveries that have been made during the past century, the one that promises to be the most far-reaching and the most valuable for all mankind is the discovery of Christian Science by Mary Baker Eddy in 1866. Her spiritual discovery differs from those that are confined to the physical realm in that it deals with spiritual laws that produce and continuously preserve harmony and order in man and the universe. It is a discovery of immense practical value!

A spiritual discovery brings to receptive thought the understanding of spiritual reality. Such receptivity necessarily includes faith and understanding; but above all it involves spiritual sense, sinless sensitivity. "Spiritual sense," writes Mrs. Eddy, "is a conscious, constant capacity to understand God" (Science and Health, p. 209).

Much as a rose diffuses perfume and the sun emits light, Spirit imparts the pure, incorruptible substance of Soul. Such impartation is continuous. To receive it, one must be spiritually receptive day in and day out, and spiritual unfoldment provides within itself the needed receptivity, as was evident in the experience of Mrs. Eddy. Of importance to us is the realization that such receptivity becomes evident in each one who desires above everything else to gain a demonstrable understanding of Christian Science.

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