Mankind in general accepts as trustworthy the evidence of the five physical senses, yet many homely instances point to material evidence as deceptive. From her veranda, the writer has a longdistance view of a well-known two-span city bridge. At one time both spans are clearly seen, at another only the right span or only the left. On a hazy day a visitor might dispute the bridge's existence, since it cannot be seen at all; yet this material evidence would leave the writer unconvinced, for she knows what is true.
With a clarity born of spiritual inspiration, Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health, "Material sense does not unfold the facts of existence; but spiritual sense lifts human consciousness into eternal Truth" (p. 95). And, helpfully, in the same work on page 209 she says, "Spiritual sense is a conscious, constant capacity to understand God."
In Christian Science, God is defined by the following seven synonyms: Life, Truth, Love, Principle, Mind, Soul, Spirit. He is also acknowledged as the only creator, as all-power and all-presence. This allness comprises within itself all that actually exists, including man, a spiritual idea, made in the image and likeness of his creator. Since God is Mind, since He is Life and Love, since He is All, manifestly that which does not conform to the qualities implicit in these terms is not His likeness.