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Testimonies of Healing

A previous testimony of mine appeared...

From the January 1963 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A previous testimony of mine appeared in the Christian Science Sentinel in 1955 and related a healing which occurred overnight. This testimony is written in the hope that it may encourage someone who is seeking the healing of a long-standing difficulty.

After I had been a student of Christian Science several years, there appeared a skin irritation on my feet (and later on my hands and arms). I made the mistake of asking a member of my family, not a Christian Scientist, what she thought was the trouble, and her opinion filled me with such fear that the condition became aggravated. I could not wear shoes, and this caused me to miss a few days from the office. However, the Scriptural words, "We have known and believed the love that God hath to us" (I John 4:16), were reassuring; and recalling many previous healings, I became less fearful, the malady less severe, and I was able to resume my duties.

During the succeeding years I had much help from practitioners for this difficulty. The testimonies of others in the periodicals brought hope when there was a tendency to be discouraged. Testimonies relative to the healing of various skin difficulties were particularly helpful in overcoming discouragement.

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