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Testimonies of Healing

[Original in French]

I have been acquainted with Christian Science...

From the January 1963 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have been acquainted with Christian Science for many years, and I have had many proofs of the absolute truth of its teachings.

For example, during my first winter as a prisoner during the Second World War, I suffered from sinusitis. I worked prayerfully as best I could, but without obtaining any relief at all. Then I examined my consciousness to see what there might be in it which could be delaying the healing. I discovered I had a deep hatred for my country's so-called enemies and a deep resentment at being a prisoner. Each day, in order to fight these arguments of personal sense, I read and pondered the Sermon on the Mount.

Little by little my thoughts were transformed and permeated with the wonderful light which shines forth from these words of Christ Jesus. After several months of such work I was finally able to pray sincerely for all those around me, including the so-called enemies, and to express gratitude to God for the way in which I had been guided and protected up to that time. A little later I found to my great joy that I was no longer suffering from the sinusitis.

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