I have many reasons to be grateful for Christian Science, but the healing which has given me the most joy and cause for gratitude is the overcoming of intense fear suffered when alone in the dark. I had been nervous in the dark for many years. If I was left in a house on my own, fear would grip me so strongly that I would be unable to leave the room I was in; and I was particularly afraid when it was necessary to go upstairs.
After trying to solve this problem for a long time, I asked for the help of a practitioner. I also made a sincere effort to break the mesmerism of the fear, and the definition of "night" given on page 592 of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy helped me greatly. It reads, "Darkness; doubt; fear."
I reasoned thus: Why are you afraid? You have had many healings and blessings in Christian Science, and you have proved that God is always available. Do you doubt this now? You are believing that there is some place where God is not and that He is not omnipotent. You are breaking the First Commandment.