"Willing the sick to recover is not the metaphysical practice of Christian Science, but is sheer animal magnetism." So states our Leader on page 144 of the Christian Science textbook. The full import and eloquence of this enlightening statement became clear and comforting to me through the study and understanding of Science, wherein it is revealed that God, the infinite, divine Principle, Love, is the only true healing power. Indeed, this Christly understanding of God and the practical application of it have been my sole protection and healing remedy ever since 1908.
It was early in my life that a beautiful healing was experienced. As a young man in my middle teens I went out West against my parents' wishes to the Kansas wheat fields to pitch wheat into wagons for the then fabulous wage offering of five dollars a day. Shortly thereafter blood poisoning set in in one of my hands and extended on into my arm. The pain and fear became so stupefying and overwhelming that I offered no resistance when I was placed in a county hospital. Consultations were held by the hospital doctors, after which one of the nurses came and asked me if I had parents who should be notified of the situation, because the doctors had decided my arm should be amputated if my life was to be spared.
This alarming report aroused me sufficiently to ask the nurse to telephone a Christian Science practitioner. She did so, and before the day was over the practitioner, after receiving the necessary release from the hospital authorities, took me to her home, where I spent about a week. Daily Christian Science treatments were given me by the practitioner, and I could actually feel a sense of healing love all about me during this time.