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From the September 1965 issue of The Christian Science Journal

REFERRING to Christ Jesus' parable in which he compared the kingdom of heaven to leaven hidden in three measures of meal, Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, states (Miscellaneous Writings, pp. 174, 175),"The leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, is Divine Science; the Comforter; the Holy Ghost that leadeth into all Truth; the 'still, small voice' that breathes His presence and power, casting out error and healing the sick." Then she adds in the next paragraph, "The measure of Life shall increase by every spiritual touch, even as the leaven expands the loaf."

Everyone desires a fuller, a more expansive sense of existence, a wider range for the development of individual capacities and abilities, an increased awareness of strength, health, joy, and harmony. The touch of thought upon individual experience is a more potent one than is usually realized; it is largely responsible for the increase or decrease of Life's measures of good. Therefore, when the challenges of sickness, loss, unhappiness, or persecution present themselves, it is well to question ourselves about how we handle them.

If our touch is the rough one of resentment or fear, the measure may be meager and unsatisfying; whereas the Christly touches of gentleness, courage, forgiveness, and spiritual understanding will ensure a full and satisfying portion of Life's riches.

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