"To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth" (John 18:37). These words of Jesus answer the question asked by so many people: "What is the point of living?" As a child I was deeply concerned with this question; and not until the Comforter, Christian Science, found me and explained to me the substance and purpose of my true being, did I find the answer.
For fifteen years now, the good Shepherd has been a daily companion, not merely a Biblical image of a distant God. Through prayer, as taught in Christian Science, which involves the awareness of God's allness and nearness, the discipline of thought to turn instantly to Him for guidance and comfort, and the constant examination of thought to determine whether its quality is Godlike or erroneous, I have been safely led through deep waters of doubt, self mistrust, and indecision to more progressive and useful fields of activity. These words of a friend have often lighted my way: "You were born to be a blessing."
Shortly before I left my home country for the United States, such strong arguments were presented that I ought not to go because I was sorely needed at home that I arrived at a state of total indecision, unable to reason or to pray coherently on the subject. However, I never doubted that God's will would be done.