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From the February 1966 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Establishment of a new Department of Care, and the appointment of Walter F. Garner of Wellesley, Massachusetts, as Manager, were announced by The Christian Science Board of Directors.

The purpose of the new department is to consolidate and strengthen under the guidance of The Mother Church all Christian Science activities pertaining to Christian Science sanatoriums, nursing homes, visiting nurse services, rest homes and homes providing special attention for Christian Scientists where nursing service is available, and their respective standards, training programs, and accreditation.*

A native of Texas, Mr. Garner came to Boston in 1963 to serve as a member of the Committee on Care for Christian Scientists. The Committee on Care has been absorbed by the new Department of Care. The department's work will include responsibility for setting standards and coordinating relationships between Christian Science sanatoriums, and private insurance companies and federal agencies, in connection with recognition of Christian Science care and treatment.

*  A correction was made in the April 1966 Journal. The paragraph originally read: "The purpose of the new department is to consolidate and strengthen under the guidance of The Mother Church all Christian Science activities pertaining to Christian Science sanatoriums, nursing homes, and visiting nurse services, and their respective standards, training programs, and accreditation."

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