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"Believe his prophets"

From the September 1967 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Because of their obedience to God, Biblical prophets knew that they were fulfilling a divine mission on earth. Their understanding of God's supremacy enabled them to speak and act with authority. They were consciously forwarding the revelation of God's nature to mankind. Their demonstrations of this divine nature proved their spiritual-mindedness and signified their spiritual destiny.

Moses, Elijah, Isaiah, to name only three Old Testament prophets, lived their understanding of God. Isaiah and others foresaw and foretold the coming of the Messiah, a fuller representation of the divine idea than had been demonstrated in their own lives. Their prophecies implied that God's nature must be more fully understood for mankind progressively to overcome sin and disease. As obedient servants of God they discerned something of the spiritual creation that must be known on earth, something of the divine consciousness that must replace material sense.

Christ Jesus was the greatest of all Biblical prophets, for he demonstrated the highest measure of spiritual understanding and gave the broadest proofs of God's healing power. Jesus knew from the beginning of his ministry that he was fulfilling Scriptural prophecy.

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