When Moses was called of God to lead the Israelites out of their bondage to the Egyptians, the people faltered many times in their journey. At one such time Moses heard the command from God, "Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward."Ex. 14:15; There were many wonderful proofs of God's guidance and loving care in the years that followed, until the Israelites, under the leadership of Joshua, crossed the River Jordan on dry ground (see Josh. 3:17), won the city of Jericho after encircling it seven times (see Josh. 6: 15, 20), and went in to possess the land of Canaan, which God had promised them.
The wilderness journey of the Israelites out of Egypt symbolizes our journey out of the wilderness of materiality, when we yearn for spiritual satisfaction. Christian Science satisfies this yearning. Deep desire for growth in our study and application of Christian Science follows. Faithfulness determines our progress. Moses was faithful in his obedience to God's guidance; so was Joshua; and they commanded the Israelites, likewise, to be faithful in their allegiance to God. In Deuteronomy we read Moses' words: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might."Deut. 6:4, 5;
To love God with all our heart, soul, and might is actually to feel His all-power and all-presence. This is true prayer. Christ Jesus prayed daily, hourly, and his prayers, humble acknowledgments of his oneness with God, were answered in healing all those who came to him for help. To go forward in our healing ministry as Christian Scientists, we too must pray continually for an expanding understanding of our nearness to our divine source. We must discipline our thinking. Mrs. Eddy writes, "Hold thought steadfastly to the enduring, the good, and the true, and you will bring these into your experience proportionably to their occupancy of your thoughts."Science and Health, p. 261;