Years ago, as the Cause of Christian Science expanded, Mrs. Eddy needed assistance in the management of her growing household. For example, in 1882 Calvin A. Frye became steward of this household and Mrs. Eddy's secretary. Later Mrs. Eddy turned over personnel concerns to a committee formed for the purpose of finding qualified helpers for Pleasant View, Mrs. Eddy's home in Concord, New Hampshire.
Calvin C. Hill was a member of this committee. In his reminiscences Mr. Hill records that Mrs. Eddy once directed him in these words: "Get one who loves to work for the Cause and is willing to take up the cross for it as I have done."We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, Third Series, p.40; He enumerates the qualities of thought required by our Leader in her helpers as including "love, orderliness, promptness, alertness, accuracy, truthfulness, fidelity, consecration, and humility."p. 40;
Despite the privilege of serving our Leader, some members of Mrs. Eddy's household caused concern. Mr. Hill recalls that "some who began their work with inspiration found it difficult to retain their joy and spiritual vision, especially if their assigned work seemed to be menial."p. 39; Apparently suggestions of the carnal mind attempted to rob some of these workers of their ability to demonstrate Christian Science in practical terms.