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Riches to Share

From the December 1968 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Church of Christ, Scientist, was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in accord with divine revelation. It manifests the activity of infinite Principle, God. Its purpose is to raise humanity from the poverty of sin, sickness, and death to the recognition of man as reflecting God and coexistent with Him. In so doing, this Church reveals men's present ability to experience happiness, health, and longevity, based on spiritually scientific law.

To the Christian Scientist, church work is opportunity to practice what he preaches, namely, the availability and efficacy of God's scientific law to meet all human needs. Put another way, church work is his means of promoting good for his brother men and for himself at the same time. Church work makes practical the Golden Rule in collective as well as individual action.

The true Christian Scientist is not a self-centered introvert. He is a giver, a sharer, and a doer, as well as a thinker. He loves humanity because he loves God and God's reflection, man, and sees humanity in the light of this vision. To him, church activities are not a soporific to dull the pain of mortal aimlessness or a series of diversions to while away time. Rather, to the dedicated, earnest student of Christian Science, church work is a privilege. It offers him an irresistible opportunity to round out his career of health, happiness, and prosperity in the very act of helping his fellowmen do the same.

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