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Testimonies of Healing

"God" and "Christian Science" are precious...

From the January 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"God" and "Christian Science" are precious words to me. Many times when I have been in dire circumstances I have called aloud to God and have been instantaneously protected. These experiences have brought at-one-ment with God, that joy of feeling His very presence, which banished all fear. Such prayerful moments are really moments of heaven on earth.

There have been innumerable gratifying experiences resulting from the application of Christian Science. I am especially grateful for help received when I was raising our daughters and was a new student of Christian Science.

Our younger daughter began having choking attacks of asthma soon after she was born. I was fearful, and every time she had an attack I turned to an inspired Christian Science practitioner, who sustained and helped us with treatment for a number of years. The fear was never really overcome in my own thought, and the asthma continued. Through the years the child was absent from school a great deal because of this trouble.

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