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Lesson from a Rocket

From the January 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mankind view with awe the travel of rockets into outer space, and the thinking of the world moves swiftly into a new era. Students of Christian Science see this progressive step as an indication of the breaking down of obstructive mortal beliefs of time and space. They rejoice in this evidence of the overcoming of limited thinking. They recall how Christ Jesus taught in parables, using the familiar world of his day to draw from, and they realize much is to be found of symbolic imagery and parabolic meaning in today's world in the launching and journey of a space rocket. They find, as they view the event through the eyes of spiritual discernment, lessons of deep metaphysical significance.

One such lesson was brought home so forcibly to a student of Christian Science, as she watched the breathtaking beauty and perfection of the launching and ascent of the first manned rocket to the moon, that she was healed of a problem she had been struggling to overcome for several years. As a result of the healing she found her whole way of life changed for the better.

To those who have watched, particularly on color television, a rocket taking off for outer space, probably the most thrilling and magnificent of all phases of the journey is the separation stage. But when seen for the first time it also can present a terrifying spectacle to the viewer. He sees what seems to be the entire rocket bursting into flames before his eyes, and unless he is aware of what is actually taking place, he is tempted for a moment to believe he has witnessed a catastrophe. He soon learns that all that is happening is according to schedule and that what he has just seen is the perfect functioning of the mechanical process that is once more to thrust the rocket upward, separating it from the stage which has so successfully brought it this far.

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