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Testimonies of Healing

I am deeply grateful for the precious...

From the January 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am deeply grateful for the precious privilege of being a student of Christian Science. Through the study of its teachings and application of the rules as given in the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, I have gained a new and better concept of God. This understanding has brought healings into my everyday experience that have shown definite proof of God's tender care. With this new way of life I have learned to love the Bible and to understand how to relate truths to my daily affairs.

For many years I suffered with periodic headaches that at times seemed to render me unable to think clearly. When I became a student of this divine Science, these attacks grew less. Once when I felt an attack beginning, I started to hurry home to do some prayerful study to relieve the suffering. Very gently this angel message came to my thought: "The Christ is here." I pondered this fact for a few minutes and then remembered the definition of "Christ" in Science and Health. It reads (p. 583), "The divine manifestation of God, which comes to the flesh to destroy incarnate error." I reasoned further that this divine activity was everywhere and that there was no need to go anywhere to find it. I could be aware of its presence with me and be receptive to it. Then, as if a heavy weight had lifted from the top of my head and released pressure, the pain stopped. It has not returned in that manner again.

Once I found myself apparently blind in one of my eyes, and the other eye seemed blurred, especially when my head was turned or when I walked. This gave me great concern because several days of the week I was required to travel to the center of our city, using public transportation. The definition of "eyes" in the textbook was enlightening for me. It reads in part (p. 586), "Spiritual discernment,—not material but mental." This led me to endeavor to practice seeing everyone I came in contact with in his spiritual nature. This mental effort was not easy at first, and many steps had to be retraced in thought. Along with this purifying effort, this comforting thought was a constant companion: "I cannot take one step out of the allness of God."

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