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"Auditions will be held"

From the January 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In the Manual of The Mother Church, Mrs. Eddy makes provision for organ music and for a solo to be sung at Christian Science services. In many cases where musicians are needed, the executive board of a branch church, or the music committee appointed by it, finds an orderly procedure for announcing that auditions will be held.

In setting up such an audition, what steps should be taken by those responsible for choosing individual artists? And first, what metaphysical view could they take?

It could be something like that of Samuel when he reviewed all the sons of Jesse. He knew only that among these was the one of whom God had said, "I have provided me a king among his sons."I Sam. 16:1;I Sam. 16:1; Somewhere among these fine-looking men was the one with the requisite inner qualities. One by one they were rejected as God spoke through the spiritual sense of Samuel, until Samuel perceived in David that which he had been sent to find.

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