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Applying Truth to Our Environment

From the January 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Pesticides, phosphates, pollution—how many terms related to the condition of our surroundings have recently entered everyday vocabularies! Although the problems these terms are connected with may have just come to our attention, the spiritual truth ready to handle environmental concerns is familiar to us as Christian Scientists. What we need is to expand our concepts. We can successfully apply in the environmental field those ideas which have sustained us all along.

Students of Christian Science learn to recognize God as the creator of all—an all which is perfect "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. . . . And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."Gen. 1:1, 31;Gen. 1:1, 31; There is certainly no limitation on what God created— not one perfect universe of His making and another universe susceptible to difficulties. Furthermore, Christ Jesus assures us of God's control over His universal creation. He speaks of the Father's care for the lilies of the field, and declares in the Lord's Prayer: "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven."Matt. 6:10;Matt. 6:10;

Although these truths may have been long familiar to us, often used in our healing work, why do we feel new at this business of treating the environment in Christian Science? Perhaps because we have unconsciously limited the application of what we already know. We have often applied these truths to ourselves and others, claiming man's dominion as the perfect creation of the Father; yet the creation includes not only perfect man but also perfect universe. All the protection divinely given to man is given to God's spiritual universe.

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