Many years ago I was treated by three medical doctors at different times for a nervous condition one of them said was chronic. I became distraught and afraid that I was losing my mind, and could not bring myself to leave our apartment. I had been married five years and had a three-year-old son. I began to condemn myself for being a poor wife and mother.
Then Christian Science was presented to me by my husband's relatives, who were Scientists and who encouraged me to turn to it for healing. Immediately I made an appointment with a Christian Science practitioner. What a happy day that was for me! It was the beginning of my exodus from the wilderness.
My husband and I began attending the local Church of Christ, Scientist, and enrolled our son in the Sunday School. We studied the Lesson-Sermon daily, went to Christian Science lectures, and made a sincere effort to apply what we were learning. Often I clung to verses from the Bible and to statements from the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. I was grateful to realize that man is made in the image of God, indestructible, unchangeable, perfect, and eternal.