To the prophet Jeremiah, God was a living, palpable presence that inspired him in his reformatory mission among his people. The inner voice of spiritual perception spoke to him as the voice of God and assured him of divine Love's boundless ever-presence. The revelation came in these words: "Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord."Jer 23:23, 24
Jeremiah evidently glimpsed a divine dimension far beyond anything the material senses could define. The same vivid, living awareness of God's boundless presence—the fourth dimension of infinity— which inspired and sustained the prophet and other great biblical characters is a possibility today for every earnest student of Christian Science. It is not an abstract philosophical concept. It is the power and presence that heals the sick and reforms the sinner.
Developing spiritual perception enables us to see the impossibility of circumscribing the infinite God and His universal goodness within the conventional dimensions of height, depth, and breadth. Mrs. Eddy realized that these modes of measurement are but phases of the belief that matter constitutes man and his environment. She pointed to the mighty work of Christ Jesus, and herself proved through many demonstrations of healing that matter is but the subjective state of mortal thought. Therefore it actually is substanceless, dimensionless—powerless to limit the harmony and spiritual development of mankind.