Every one of God's creatures has its place and purpose assigned it by its Maker. Every idea of divine Mind, God, is directly related to this Mind and directly expresses it. As each idea is seen deriving all it is and does from this Mind, all ideas are found living and moving in patterns of harmony, freedom, and mutual respect.
Recent books have spelled out in carefully researched detail the large-scale callous exploitation of animals today. These books show animals being freely used for unrestrained commercial profit, luxury clothing and food products, and experiments often ineffective or with trivial objectives. They also expose the shallowness of conventional arguments employed to justify this exploitation or postpone its being stopped.
Such maltreatment, as well as causing wanton suffering, is a grave social evil. It tends to harden or brutalize whoever promotes, participates in, or permits it. When the history of this period comes to be written from a more enlightened perspective in the future, our widespread unconcern for animals may well be one of the darkest stains upon us.