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Sunday School

Teaching the Youngest Children

Teaching the Youngest Children

From the December 1976 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It would appear sometimes that this task—or the prospect of it—alarms more potential Sunday School teachers than it attracts. But what a pity that it should do so! To teach Christian Science to the child of two, three, or four years of age can be one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences in the teacher's life.

Mrs. Eddy writes in Science and Health (p. 236), "Jesus loved little children because of their freedom from wrong and their receptiveness of right." But in the thought of the novice teacher the question may rise up, "What if the class consists of children who are naughty, unruly, undisciplined? What if they are not free from wrong nor receptive of right? I would be defeated the very first Sunday, for I have never had to deal with small children and would not know how to handle them."

The Sunday School Division of The Mother Church has on file the accounts of many successful teachers of this age-group, and the following pages bring together a collection of them. These show some of the ways teachers have successfully brought Science to the thought of these innocent and receptive youngsters, overcoming at the same time the disruptive, discordant elements that would claim to make good teaching difficult at that early age.

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