What makes the movement move?
"The impulsion is Gods, but the growth is ours, the individual spiritual growth of the members. So the movement grows as its members grow; it lags only when the individual church member lags. "
Some important elements of treatment
An editorial—"Treatment should always be thorough—just as complete as we can make it—but this doesn't mean it has to be labored and long. The more spontaneous treatment is, the more healing it is, when that spontaneity comes from the treatment having a broad and deep spiritual base."
God's man—not the man of material theories
An editorial—"... man is not owned by material beliefs. The source of evil is the belief that man is the property of matter rather than the expression of Spirit. The source of healing is the discovery—the genuine admission— that man belongs entirely and thoroughly and permanently to God. Man does not belong to the disease, depression, or discord of materiality, but to the health, happiness, and harmony of spirituality. "